You’re probably wondering what has happened to the updates for this site and why the long delay from the last post. Is the website dead? What happened to the follow-up blogs and content for the site? The good news is that the site is not dead! We’ve been working on content and branding on the back end. The site is continuing to move forward but it is not things that you are obvious to you. We’ve been working on a logo, social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram and even working with SyKart in Tigard to build a Junior Racing Class for kids who are interested in starting to race! So we are far from dead.
Well, we’ve been working on a lot of things for At the end of October, we moved into a new house. So we’ve been doing a lot of packing and
unpacking. With the new location, we’re hoping that we will have enough room to
help bring better content and new content such as a podcast and possibly some
videos. This is just some of the groundwork that is needed to be able to do
these things. However, we have a ways to go before doing that. So don’t expect
those anytime soon.
In November, we went to Japan! We spent a lot of time touring parts of Japan that we’ve never been to before and also got to visit with family. The good news is that I got to do some night racing in Nara at Sports Kart Hanna. I love this track as it’s built on a hillside and there are some unique challenges with elevation change and some high-speed hairpins. It will wear you out quickly if you’re not too careful! I was able to finish with the second-fastest average time and amount of laps for the one-hour enduro. It was intense and the staff there is amazing.

December all the boys in our family had birthdays and of course, we had the holidays and New Years’. Visiting family and friends and catching up with all the events from our trip to Japan. I know it’s not much of an excuse but family and
friends are important to us too. Also during this time, we worked with SyKart
in Tigard to dial in some of the aspects of the Junior Racing Class. The first
class will have the main focus being on “the let-by”. The reason why
we are coving this first is to make sure that the junior and slower drivers
conduct a safe and predictable driving skill for faster racers. Junior racers
need to understand this concept before learning to drive fast because avoiding
accidents and safety is the top priority at this age. Don’t worry, learning to
drive fast are in the follow-up classes that we have already planned out. If
you are in the Portland, Oregon greater area, then please call up SyKart to
sign up for this class. If you are not in the area and are still interested then
please reply in the comments below and we may be able to help you from afar.
SyKart’s phone number is 503-684-5060. Please sign up today as space is
So as you can see, we’ve been busy on the back end and we hope to continue to bring you new and exciting content for beginning racers. Don’t be afraid to get out there and race but more importantly go out and have some fun!