Learn About Us

HPDE – Level 1 – Instructor Training Certified
We are now HPDE (High Performance Driver Education) certified from the Motorsports Safety Academy! We are making every effort to make sure that our instructions and processes are to the industry standard. We also hope to continue to improve and bring a higher level of instruction through the various types of instructions and coaching tools to give you a better and happier driving experience.
(Actual certificate available to view upon request for appointments with drivers)
Special Thanks To Our Sponsors!
RacingSenna.com and RacingForBeginners.com have teamed up with Mortgage Monkey for the 2021 racing season. Racing is a unique sport for when the driver’s helmet is on, you cannot see the driver’s gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political beliefs, etc. (unless it’s written on the helmet itself). Mortgage Monkey treats their customers with the same philosophy. There’s no intimidation based on any of those things and each person is treated as the individual that they are. Your home is the biggest investment of your life and making any part of that process easier will be key to a happier and worry-free part of your life.
Contact: Gary Boyer, Directors Mortgage
email: gary@directorsmortgage.net
Phone/Text: 503-807-3925

Although we will continue to do honest reviews on helmets and other gear, we’ve decided to partner with Stilo helmets and rib/chest protectors. We appreciate their quality, customer service and willingness to help get young or new drivers into motorsports.
If you are interested in purchasing one of the safest helmets in racing, then please contact Performance Stop directly and let them know RacingForBeginners sent you to them!
Contact: Michael Anastasio
email: michael@performancestop.com
Phone: (757) 435-3597
Featured Racers
Senna R. – Born 2008

Special Thanks to Our Supporters
This site and its contents could not have happened without the support of the community and the people who are the content creators.
Senna was born in 2008 and started racing in early 2017 when our local indoor kart racing center, SyKart; allowed him to race. Senna wasn’t the fastest racer in the beginning but there were a lot of young racers that were competitive enough to keep him wanting to go back and do better. His first ever league, with only a handful of session to practice with, got progressively better throughout the season. In his first league he didn’t win any races but he did have a couple of second place finishes and the rest were third or lower. That didn’t stop him from continuing to want to go back and want to learn the art of racing indoor karts.
Over the 2018 and 2019 we would average going to the track about once or twice a week. With seat time, practice and little instruction he got better; a lot better. By the time the spring 2019 SyKart Indoor Racing Series took place, he had already set the junior kart record for that track layout. Then throughout the series, he won every race and won P1 in qualifying and had the fastest lap with the exception of the last race where he was P2 and didn’t get the fastest lap. The competition had been studying his racing line and technique on our YouTube channel. However, he still had plenty of racing tricks up his sleeve to win the race.
Senna plays soccer for a local club team, United PDX. His soccer coach knows of Senna’s racing skills and also follows racing. So he has allowed Senna to modify his training schedule to accommodate his racing schedule. Senna enjoys soccer and there are many similarities that he can take from the pitch to the track, one of which is conditioning, while the other is learning to keep pushing even when you’re down.
We will continue to go to the track as long as he keeps it fun and interesting. He’s learned how to be consistent, timing of his movement, being smooth with his steering and how to keep his momentum. Discovering what works and what may work, given the right situation and being better with his braking is part of his discovery now.
To learn more about Senna and his racing career, visit his website: RacingSenna.com
Featured Racers
Colin R. – Born 2014

Colin is the newest member of the team. He started racing at Sykart in early December of 2022 and has really picked up racing and has great enthusiasm for the sport. We’ve been impressed with his progress, willingness to learn about racing and working on his kart. Within this short time, he has closed the gap from the junior lap record to 0.6 seconds at the time of this bio. When asked about what he wants to do with racing, he wants to be on the best team in Formula 1.
Colin will be transitioning to outdoor this summer and with lots of practice in refining his driving skills, we plan to put him in outdoor races as soon as possible.
Outside of racing, Colin enjoys playing soccer, Hapkido (martial arts) and playing outside with his friends. He is attending a Japanese immersion school and becoming more confident in speaking Japanese.
The video on our home page is Colin driving at Sykart. He’s already faster than most of the people that walk in and he is getting compliments after every race on how fast he is and that they believe he will be a successful driver.
Good luck Colin and we hope that we can give you all the tools you need to get to your dreams!
To learn more about Colin and his racing, please visit his website: RacingColin.com